Models in Free Version
• Envelopment Models (CRS, VRS; input-oriented) (CRS stands for Constant Returns-to-Scale)
• Multiplier Models (CRS, VRS; input-oriented)(VRS stands for Variable Returns-to-Scale that include Constant, Increasing, and Decreasing Constant Returns-to-Scale)
• Slack-based Models (CRS additive model)
• Measure-specific Models (CRS, VRS; input-oriented) (The measures selected are controllable, and the ones not selected are uncontrollable.)
The maximum number of DMUs allowed in the free version is 20.
Download DEAFrontier Free Version
Important:To open the download zipped file and run the DEAFrontier program, the user may need to manually trust the downloaded files by
1. You can unblock access for individual files you know are safe. To do this:
Right click on the file and choose Properties.
On the General tab, click Unblock, Click OK
2. You can make use of existing Trusted Locations capabilities in Excel 2010, 2013, and 2016 via File -> Options -> Trust Center -> Trust Center Settings -> Trusted Locations.
READ THIS: Do not download the "" until you have read and agreed to this agreement. By opening the accompanying software "DEAFrontier", you acknowledge that you have read and accepted the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree and do not want to be bounded by such terms and conditions, do not install or use the software “DEAFrontier”.
License: The copyright to the software (the
“DEAFrontier”) is owned by Joe Zhu. The software is protected by
United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. No
of the software may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval systems,
(including but not limited to over the Internet), modified, decompiled,
engineered, reconfigured, transmitted, or transcribed, in any form or
any means without the permission of the author. The software may not,
any circumstances, be reproduced for sale. This license allows you to use
the software for educational and research purposes only, not for
purposes, including consulting. You may not (i)
rent or lease the software, (ii) copy or reproduce the software through
or other network system or through any computer subscriber system, or
modify, adapt, or create derivative works based upon the software. You
be held legally responsible for any copying or copyright infringement
is caused by your failure to abide by the above terms and conditions.
If you agree the above conditions, please save the file "". Unzip the file to extract (i) "DEAFrontierFree.xlam" for Excel 2007-2016, (ii) "DEAFrontierFree_OpenSolver for use with OpenSolver, (iii) "DEAFrontierFree_SolverPlatform.xla" for Excel 97-2003, or Solver Platform, (iv) ReadMeFirst.pdf, (iv) DataSheetFormat.pdf, (v) Example.xlsx, and (vi) Laptop_example_Appendix.xlsx from the book:"Data Envelopment Analysis: Let the Data Speak for Themselves".
Please read the "ReadMeFirst.pdf" before using the DEAFrontier
software. To use DEAFrontier with OpenSolver, you need to download the
OpenSolver at
and follow its installation instruction.

Load/run DEAFrontier for use with OpenSolver (Excel Solver must also be loaded as in Step 1)
It will help you understand why DEA models' names are based upon RTS.