Videos for Data Envelopment Analysis: Balanced Benchmarking

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Data Envelopment Analysis: Balanced Benchmarking by Wade D. Cook and Joe Zhu

Chapter 2: Data Envelopment Analysis

Introduction to DEA

Introduction to DEA: How DEA works?

Four-University Example (Excel 2010-2013)

Four-University Example (under Excel 2003.)

VRS Envelopment Model

VRS Envelopment Model (Part 2)

Output-oriented Envelopment model

What is DEA slack?

Chapter 3: Efficiency Ratio and DEA Multiplier Models

Efficiency ratio Multiplier Model

Multiplier Model (part 2)

Chapter 4: DEA Dual Models

CRS Envelopment Model

VRS Multiplier Model

VRS Multiplier Model under Excel 2003 (similar to the above video)

Chapter 5: DEA Models and Returns to Scale

This is an introduction to RTS frontier type. It will help you understand why DEA models' names are based upon RTS.

Chapter 6: DEA Models for Special Cases

Measure-specific model

Negative Data

Treating Undesirable Factors

Chapter 7: Slack-based and non-radial DEA models

Slack-based models

Non-radial Models

Chapter 8: Restricted Multipliers

Slack Treatment in Multiplier Model


Assurance Region

Chapter 11: Context-dependent DEA

For the Printer application, interested reader is recommended to read:

Seiford, L.M. and Zhu, Joe, Context-dependent data envelopment analysis: measuring attractiveness and progress. OMEGA, Vol. 31, Issue 5, (2003), 397-480.

(Note: Computational errors have been discovered in the paper. However, they do not affect the results. These errors are corrected in Chapter 16 of Cook and Zhu, Modeling Performance Measurement: Applications and Implementation Issues in DEA, Springer Science, 2005. )
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