Order DEAFrontier Software

By Clicking , you will be linked to the paypal.com website to process the payment.

Once the payment information is received, the software (along with a user manual) will be emailed to the email address that you provided.

Please see note at the bottom of this page. Please make sure that the email address provided is correct. Please check your spam folder/filter. The software is usually delivered from jzhu@wpi.edu within 24-48 hours. If you do not receive the software for a week, please contact Prof. Joe Zhu and provide an alternative email. (There have been cases when the user's email account does not allow large email attachment or blocks jzhu@wpi.edu.)

Please try the Free version first and make sure the Free version works on your PC and your version of Excel.

No refunds after the software is delivered (emailed). Thank you.

(A few cases have been reported that non-English version of Excel encounters a runtime error and has to stop the program when  the Risk Solver Platform is installed. The causes of that is due to the Solver product. Users who plan to use the DEAFrontier under other Solver products are strongly advised to test the free DEAFrontier version under Risk Solver Platform.)

See a list of DEA Models included in DEAFrontier (models.xls)

Academic License


The price is for a single CPU license and for educational institutions (students and professors only). The user must provide a valid educational institution email address for software delivery.

The software is not for commercial/business use, including consulting.
A user manual (with DEA models) is provided. However, the user should have a good understanding of the DEA methodology.

If you are using the standard Excel Solver, there can be a limitation on how many DMUs you can have (See a list of DEA Models included in DEAFrontier (models.xls)). You can upgrade the standard Excel Solver. Please visit the DEAFrontier Support and www.solver.com for different Solver products and their capacity (and solver's academic discount). Or, you can use the DEAFrontier with OpenSolver which does not set limits.

Academic License   US$899

Non-Academic License


The price is for a single CPU license and for non-Academic use, or commercial/business use, including consulting (when the user does not have a valid educational institution email address for software delivery).

A user manual (with DEA models) is provided. However, the user should have a good understanding of the DEA methodology.

If you are using the standard Excel Solver, there can be a limitation on how many DMUs you can have (See a list of DEA Models included in DEAFrontier (models.xls)). You can upgrade the standard Excel Solver. Please visit the DEAFrontier Support and www.solver.com for different Solver products and their capacity (and solver's academic discount). Or, you can use the DEAFrontier with OpenSolver which does not set limits.

Non-Academic License   US$2,499

The above license fee includes a 1-month free technical support. The technical support is provided only by email and we do not guarantee any turn-around time for answering technical help. The free 1-month technical support is only for using the DEAFrontier software and does not deal with the DEA modeling issue.

DEAFrontier uses Excel Solver, and does not set any limits on the number of DMUs, inputs or outputs. However, please check www.solver.com for problem sizes that various versions of Solver can handle. The standard Excel Solver shipped with Microsoft Office solves problems with sizes of 200x200 (variables x constraints). Alternatively, the user can use the DEAFrontier with OpenSolver which does not set any limits.

The user will receive DEAFrontier versions that work under Excel 2007-2019 and Excel 365 (with the standard Excel Solver and Open Solver), Excel 97-2003, and (Risk) Solver Platform.
Note: Please make sure that the email address provided is correct. Please check your spam folder/filter. The software is usually delivered from jzhu@wpi.edu within 24-48 hours. If you do not receive the software for a week, please contact Prof. Joe Zhu and provide an alternative email. (There have been cases when the user's email account does not allow large email attachment or blocks jzhu@wpi.edu.)