DEA Software - DEAFrontierTM Microsoft® Excel Add-In
DEAFrontier TM developed by Professor Joe Zhu is a Microsoft® Excel Add-In for solving Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models.

The software is written by Professor Zhu in an effort to minimize the possibility of mis-presentation of DEA models during coding.
DEAFroniter works under Excel XP-2019 and Excel 365 (Windows XP-Windows 8, 8.1, and 10).
DEAFrontier uses Excel Solver as the engine for solving the DEA models. In order to run the DEAFrontier software, Excel Solver must be installed in the Excel. In Excel 2007-2019 & Excel 365, the user should see Solver under the Data Tab. Under Excel 2007 and earlier versions, the Excel Solver Parameters dialog box has to be displaced once before the DEAFrontier software is loaded. Otherwise, the DEAFrontier software may not run.
DEAFrontier offers a version that can be used with OpenSolver ( In this case, DEAFrontier uses the COIN-OR CBC optimization engine via OpenSolver which does not set limits.
It is strongly recommended that you visit DEAFrontier Support and try the free version.
Models included in DEAFrontier
DEAFrontier Screenshot