Data Envelopment Analysis Handbooks

S-N Hwang, H-S Lee, and J. Zhu, Handbook of Operations Analytics Using Data Envelopment Analysis

S-N Hwang, H-S Lee, and J. Zhu, Handbook of Operations Analytics Using Data Envelopment Analysis, Springer, 2016,
ISBN 978-1-4899-7705-2

About this Book

This handbook focuses on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) applications in operations analytics which are fundamental tools and techniques for improving operation functions and attaining long-term competitiveness. In fact, the handbook demonstrates that DEA can be viewed as Data Envelopment Analytics. Chapters include a review of cross-efficiency evaluation; a case study on measuring the environmental performance of OECS countries; how to select a set of performance metrics in DEA with an application to American banks; a relational network model to take the operations of individual periods into account in measuring efficiencies; how the efficient frontier methods DEA and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) can be used synergistically; and how to integrate DEA and multidimensional scaling. In other chapters, authors construct a dynamic three-stage network DEA model; a bootstrapping based methodology to evaluate returns to scale and convexity assumptions in DEA; hybridizing DEA and cooperative games; using DEA to represent the production technology and directional distance functions to measure band performance; an input-specific Luenberger energy and environmental productivity indicator; and the issue of reference set by differentiating between the uniquely found reference set and the unary and maximal types of the reference set. Finally, additional chapters evaluate and compare the technological advancement observed in different hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) market segments over the past 15 years; radial measurement of efficiency for the production process possessing multi-components under different production technologies; issues around the use of accounting information in DEA; how to use DEA environmental assessment to establish corporate sustainability; a summary of research efforts on DEA environmental assessment applied to energy in the last 30 years; and an overview of DEA and how it can be utilized alone and with other techniques to investigate corporate environmental sustainability questions.

J. Zhu, Data Envelopment Analysis: A handbook Empirical Studies and Applications

J. Zhu, Data Envelopment Analysis: A handbook of Empirical Studies and Applications, Springer, 2016,
ISBN 978-1-4899-7684-0

About this Book

This handbook compiles state-of-the-art empirical studies and applications using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). It includes a collection of 18 chapters written by DEA experts. Chapter 1 examines the performance of CEOs of U.S. banks and thrifts. Chapter 2 describes the network operational structure of transportation organizations and the relative network data envelopment analysis model. Chapter 3 demonstrates how to use different types of DEA models to compute total-factor energy efficiency scores with an application to energy efficiency. In chapter 4, the authors explore the impact of incorporating customers' willingness to pay for service quality in benchmarking models on cost efficiency of distribution networks, and chapter 5 provides a brief review of previous applications of DEA to the professional baseball industry. Chapter 6 examines efficiency and productivity of U.S. property-liability (P-L) insurers using DEA. Chapter 7 presents a two-stage network DEA model that decomposes the overall efficiency of a decision-making unit into two components. Chapter 8 presents a review of the literature of DEA models for the perfoemance assessment of mutual funds, and chapter 9 discusses the management strategies formulation of the international tourist hotel industry in Taiwan. Chapter 10 presents a novel use of the two-stage network DEA to evaluate sustainable product design performances. In chapter 11 authors highlight limitations of some DEA environmental efficiency models, and chapter 12 reviews applications of DEA in secondary and tertiary education. Chapter 13 measures the relative performance of New York State school districts in the 2011-2012 academic year. Chapter 14 provides an introductory prelude to chapters 15 and 16, which both provide detailed applications of DEA in marketing. Chapter 17 then shows how to decompose a new total factor productivity index that satisfies all economically-relevant axioms from index theory with an application to U.S. agriculture. Finally, chapter 18 presents a unique study that conducts a DEA research front analysis, applying a network clustering method to group the DEA literature over the period 2000 to 2014.

J. Zhu, Data Envelopment Analysis: A handbook of Models and Methods

J. Zhu, Data Envelopment Analysis: A handbook of Models and Methods, Springer, 2015,
ISBN 978-1-4899-7552-2
About this Book

Table of Contents

Distance Functions in Primal and Dual Spaces.- DEA Cross Efficiency.- DEA Cross Efficiency Under Variable Returns to Scale. - Discrete and Integer Valued Inputs and Outputs in Data Envelopnebt Analysis. - DEA Models with Production Trade-offs and Weight Restrictions. - Facet Analysis in Data Envelopment Analysis. - Stochastic Nonparametric Approach to Efficiency Analysis: A Unified Framework. - Translation Invariance in Data Envelopment Analysis. - Scale Elasticity in Non-parametric DEA Approach.- DEA Based Benchmarking Models. - Data Envelopment Analysis with Non-Homogeneous DMUs.- Efficiency Measurement in Data Envelopment Analysis with Fuzzy Data. - Partial Input to Output Impacts in DEA: Production Considerations and Resource Sharing Among Business Sub-Units. - Super-efficiency in Data Envelopment Analysis.- DEA Models with Undesirable Inputs. - Frontier Differences and the Global Malmquist Index

W.D. Cook and J. Zhu, Data Envelopment Analysis: A Handbook of Modeling Internal Structures and Networks

W.D. Cook and J. Zhu, Data Envelopment Analysis:A Handbook of Modeling Internal Structures and Networks, Springer, 2014,
ISBN 978-1-4899-8067-0
About this Book

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W.W. Cooper, L.M. Seiford and J. Zhu, Handbook on Data Envelopment Analysis, 2nd edition

handbook 2nd Edition W.W. Cooper, L.M. Seiford and J. Zhu Handbook on Data Envelopment Analysis, 2nd Edition Springer, 2011,
ISBN 978-1-4419-6150-1
About this Book

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W.W. Cooper, L.M. Seiford and J. Zhu, Handbook on Data Envelopment Analysis, 1st edition

W.W. Cooper, L.M. Seiford and J. Zhu Handbook on Data Envelopment Analysis Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2004,
ISBN 1-4020-7797-1

About this Book

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Book review on Cooper, Seiford, and Zhu, Handbook on Data Envelopment Analysis, 1st edition
published in European Journal of Operational Research

European Journal of Operational Research 175 (2006) 1328–1337 by
Carlos Henggeler Antunes
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computers
University of Coimbra
Polo II-Pinhal de Marrocos
3030 Coimbra, Portugal

The handbook is intended for researchers, students and practitioners. It aims at reflecting the state-of-the-art as well as representing a milestone in DEA advancing. I found this handbook a valuable reference for researchers, graduate students, and consultant analysts. However, it requires a relatively important degree of familiarity with the main DEA models and extensions to be used as an introductory door to this field. For this purpose (for instance, for classroom use in undergraduate classes) other references by the same authors are more appropriate (Charnes et al., 1994 and Cooper et al., 2000), mainly because the topics unfolding in more comprehensive, self-contained and written in a didactic way.

In this scope, I found all the chapters on the first part of the book, covering methodological issues, quite interesting and useful, in particular those devoted to the incorporation of value judgments and sensitivity analysis in DEA models. The chapters exploring the links with statistics, devoted to the performance of bootstrap techniques and statistical tests based on efficiency scores, also unveil important research directions. However, these chapters require from the reader a level of expertise on DEA models (as well as other topics), which cannot be acquired in the handbook itself. The chapter dealing with the consideration of qualitative data is the only one where the links between DEA and multiple criteria decision making are briefly explored. This is a relevant research and application topic and it would have been useful to have a whole chapter devoted to it.

The second part of this handbook, regarding application studies, left me with a sense of “incompleteness”. Of course, it will be impossible to include chapters, or even mention, all the areas in which DEA applications have been reported in the literature. Therefore, I believe a more judicious selection of material to be included should have been done to reflect state-of-the-art and relevance in DEA applications. The chapters included in the handbook are interesting and indeed lessons can be learned therein that can be replicated in studies in other areas. However, the handbook would have benefited from the inclusion of chapters describing studies in other (perhaps more relevant) areas, such as, for instance, energy, agriculture, environment, or telecommunications. Also, there is some imbalance in the treatment of applications in the chapters in the second part of the handbook. Some chapters enter into the details of model description (input and output factors, type of RTS, etc.) whereas other chapters merely do a survey of the literature. It goes without saying that both types can be useful for researchers and practitioners, but a higher consistency on this specific issue could have been pursued.

Nevertheless, this handbook provides an important value-added regarding DEA monographs, even though I think the editors could have organized it more under the perspective of a valuable complement to the other two books already mentioned above. This handbook constitutes, namely regarding some methodological chapters in the first part, an encouraging research agenda for further developments and uses of DEA. In this scope it is a valuable tool for researchers, graduate students and experienced practitioners. Moreover, up-to-date references are provided in most chapters that enable the reader to develop further his/her own specific interests in this continuously advancing area.

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