Data Envelopment Analysis Book: Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
Joe Zhu, Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking; 3rd edition

Joe Zhu, Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: DEA with Spreadsheets
3rd Edition
Springer, New York, 2014
ISBN 978-3-319-06646-2
About this Book

Chapter 1: Data Envelopment Analysis.- Chapter 2: Envelopment DEA Models. - Chapter 3: Multiplier DEA Model.- Chapter 4: DEA Cross Efficiency. - Chapter 5: Slack-Based DEA Models. - Chapter 6: Measure-Specific DEA Models. - Chapter 7: Non-radical DEA Models and DEA with Preference. - Chapter 8: Modeling Undesirable Measures.- Chapter 9: Context-dependent Data Envelopment Analysis. - Chapter 10: Super Efficiency.- Chapter 11: Sensitivity Analysis. - Chapter 12: Benchmarking Models.- Chapter 13: Returns-to-Scale. - Chapter 14: DEA Models for Two-Stage Network Processes. - Chapter 15: Models for Evaluating Supply Chains and Network Structures. - Chapter 16: Congestion.- Chapter 17: Identifying Critical Measures in DEA. - Chapter 18: Interval and Ordinal Data in DEA.- Chapter 19: DEAFrontier Software.
Joe Zhu, Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking; 2nd edition

Joe Zhu, Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: DEA with Spreadsheets
2nd Edition
Springer, New York, 2009
ISBN 978-0-387-85981-1
About this Book

Envelopment DEA Models.- Multiplier and Slack-based Models.- Measure-specific DEA Models. - Non-radial DEA Models and DEA with Preference.- Modeling Undesirable Measures. - Context-dependent Data Envelopment Analysis.- Benchmarking Models. - Models for Evaluating Supply Chains.- Congestion.- Super Efficiency. - Sensitivity Analysis.- Identifying Critical Measures in DEA. - Returns-to-Scale.- DEA Models for Two-Stage Processes.
Joe Zhu, Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking; 1st edition

ISBN 1-4020-7082-9
The software included in this book works under Excel 97, 2000 and 2003(XP), and does not work under Excel 2007.
About this Book

Basic DEA Models.- Measure-specific DEA Models. -Returns-to-Scale.- DEA with Preference. - Modeling Undesirable Measures.- Context-dependent Data Envelopment Analysis. - Benchmarking Models.- Models for Evaluating Value Chains. - Congestion.- Super Efficiency.- Sensitivity Analysis and Its Use. - DEA Excel Solver.
Book review published in Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Marketing Research Book Review
Xueming Luo; Donthu, Naveen; Gardner, Meryl P.; Krishnamurthy, Sandeep; Noble, Stephanie
Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), Aug2004, Vol. 41 Issue 3, p365, 4.
Zhu's Quantitative Models is the most comprehensive, but unfortunately it also is the most expensive.
This book is truly managerially oriented. It is not difficult for executives to find that the far-reaching
topics and down-to-earth applications are readily applicable to marketing phenomena. Zhu's simple approach of
using Microsoft Excel 97 or later versions rather than sophisticated modeling programs makes it convenient for
managers to apply DEA models in benchmarking (though this approach could be laborious and lengthy with a large
sample size). Other topics addressed include the value chain efficiency (Chap. 8), context-dependent relative
attractiveness (Chap. 6), and congestion measures (Chap. 9), all of which Zhu and
his mentor Lawrence M. Seiford originally developed and have published in their coauthored journal articles.
Quantitative Models comes with DEA Excel Solver software, which is preprogrammed with a wide variety of DEA
whereas Zhu tends to emphasize traditional DEA models with truly innovative interpretations and manipulations.
Zhu's DEA models for the evaluation of value chains are critical to the understanding of the efficiency of
a supply chain system (including suppliers, manufactures, retailers) in business-to-business marketing.
Marketing researchers who are interested in mediated and moderated relationships may also find Zhu's work
on the multistage DEA (identifying possible mediating results) and context-dependent DEA
(identifying possible moderating results) intriguing and, conceivably, breathtaking.
Zhu's books would be excellent choices for doctoral marketing-modeling class participants
and experienced marketing researchers.
See the full review (pdf, 63kb)